Hot Off The Presses
When I share about our family mission to visit every state park in Texas, the next question is always, “how many have you been to and which one is your favorite”. With 10 natural ecoregion across the state it’s insanely hard to narrow it down to one, or even five favorites. Each region is so…
Things to Buy When You Buy A Camper
When you buy a camper, no one really tells you ALLLLL the other things you need to buy to make sure that camper is running properly and to make camper…
Stronger Than – Losing A Texas State Park – Misti Little
Misti and I met through Instagram at the very start of the battle to save Fairfield Lake State Park. It was the end of February and I was at the…
Proposition 14 – The Centennial Parks Conservation Fund – Passes!
This year I wrote and created a travel journal for Texas State Parks — Texas State Parks Journal. In the process of writing this book I did buckets of research…
A Brief History of Hot Springs, Arkansas Let me start out by saying Hot Springs is one of the strangest places we’ve ever been. The city is riddled with a checkered history dating back to civil war times and even earlier. Did you know it was run by gangsters and the Las Vegas strip was…
When we were early on the road of our house fire we were moving minute by minute, it was all we could muster. I was writing then to ease my mind and my heart. I was just putting the emotion to paper (or to computer screen I guess). Then we made this blog. Hurting humans…
Fourth graders and seventh graders in Texas are required to learn Texas history as per Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards. Growing up here, also learning Texas history, I figured every state had their students spending 1-2 school years learning about their state’s history. By college I realized this was rather unique to Texas…
In May 2018 I saw Hamilton with my friend Brittany. I’d heard some of the music, I knew it was supposed to be amazing. I knew my American History loving, history degreed husband would love it. In 2019 tried to buy tickets for Bill and I for the 2020 show, but financially we couldn’t do…