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Huntsville State Park

5 Favorite Texas State Parks (That We’ve Visited So Far)

When I share about our family mission to visit every state park in Texas, the next question is always, “how many have you been to and which one is your favorite”. With 10 natural ecoregion across the state it’s insanely hard to narrow it down to one, or even five favorites. Each region is so…

Things to Buy When You Buy A Camper

When you buy a camper, no one really tells you ALLLLL the other things you need to buy to make sure that camper is running properly and to make camper…

Stronger Than Podcast - Season 1 Episode 5 - Losing A Texas State Park with Misti Little

Stronger Than – Losing A Texas State Park – Misti Little

Misti and I met through Instagram at the very start of the battle to save Fairfield Lake State Park. It was the end of February and I was at the…

Caprock Canyon State Park

Proposition 14 – The Centennial Parks Conservation Fund – Passes!

This year I wrote and created a travel journal for Texas State Parks — Texas State Parks Journal. In the process of writing this book I did buckets of research…

A Couch, More Than A Place to Rest Your Butt by Chris

What is a couch? Would a settee by any other name feel as comfortable? I have a thing about couches. They have to be comfortable, looks are second to comfort, but only a slight second. I got my first couch right after I graduated from college, back when I really had no idea what was…

On Shooting Guns, Crying and Time Travel by Chris

Three hours before the fire I walked into our bedroom and woke my sleeping husband (he works overnights, or at least did, before the fire). “Hey, we have that gun safety class at 3:00. Do you want me to reschedule since you’re feeling bad or are you feeling up to it?” He half opened an…

Mourning Trees by Chris

Last Thursday was April 6th. Seven years ago on April 6th, we signed the papers for our house. We received the keys. Actually, we forget to get the keys at closing and called our realtor laughing as we realized we had to go back to the title company to get them. I remember opening the…

Running the Race by Chris

I am not a natural runner. My body is far from slim, my legs are not long. Gazelle-like is not how I would describe myself. I mean if I had to describe myself as an animal it would certainly be more along the lines of momma bear; fierce, strong, protective of her family, determined and…well…

Rental Forks by Chris

I remember asking a few questions to every person the day of the fire. The first was, “How do I tell my almost 4 year old that I burnt down our house and that her dog is dead?” The other question was always, “I don’t know what to do, what happens next?” That second question…